
Software developer, working mainly in C++, Python, and C#

  1. Moving over to cmder

    One the biggest problems I have always had with Windows is the default (cmd.exe) shell that comes with it. It just feels like its commands don't bend properly to my will and its lack of history between sessions is extremely frustrating (been waiting for that one for years). Perhaps…

    on opensource, windows, shell


    The numconv Python script was originally thought for developers that had Python already set up and ready to go. However, this might not always be the case and sometimes people need to do these kind of number conversions without having any interest in going through the trouble of configuring Python…

    on python, petproject

  3. numconv 0.1 released

    numconv is a simple Python script that converts a number between different numbering systems e.g. from int to hex or binary. The primary driving force behind numconv is that it allows conversion between multiple numbering systems at once and the user does not have to rely on web sites…

    on opensource, python, petproject